Marty Recommends

Which tutors should you choose next ?

SBR- Tom Clendon

AAA - Ben Wilson

I first met Tom in 1992 when I started to teach ACCA courses in London. We then worked for 4 years in Singapore for FTMS. 

He is a super nice person and is able to explain complex Accounitng Standards in a way that is simple and easy to understand. You can find him at the following website 

Tom Clendon

Ben is trusted by the ACCA as their Expert Tutor for auditing papers and creates the ACCA’s student resources for both the AAA and AA papers. He has a huge amount of experience as an audit examiner and audit exam marker, which means that Ben understands exactly what it takes to pass the AAA  exam.

Watch a video from Ben


ATX- UK Aileen Edgar

AFM- Sunil Bhandari

If was taking advanced tax Aileen it somebody i would want in my corner

AA- Erin Morton

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