When is the best time to revise for your ACCA exams?
Like a lot of things in life there is no perfect answer it depends. However, there are a few considerations to consider when choosing your peak time to revise.
Consider your own Cicandian rhythms
Cicandian rhythms, you say, are they a new trace band? No its all about your body clock. Your body’s internal clock, known as your circadian rhythm, plays a role in determining your alertness and cognitive functioning throughout the day. Most people tend to have higher cognitive performance during their “peak” periods, which are typically late morning and early evening. These times are when alertness, attention, and memory tend to be at their best. You can take you quiz to determine your type
Chronotype Quiz
The wolf is the proverbial night owl. If you are a wolf you tend to be drowsy if you need to wake up early in the morning. Wolves peak from noon to 2 pm and again in the evening.
The lion is the early bird that gets the worm. If you are a lion then you are likely ready to seize the day early in the morning. Your most productive hours are in the early morning. You tend to feel exhausted at night and go to bed early.
The dolphin is harder to categorize than the bear, lion, and wolf. If you are a dolphin, you may be a light sleeper and often feel sleep deprived. Dolphins tend to be most productive mid-morning to early afternoon.
The bear is the most common chronotype. If you are a bear, then your waking and sleeping rhythms follow the sun and moon. You sleep well and are most alert mid-morning. You may feel a big energy dip during the mid-afternoon.
The obvious thing to do is to revise at your time of peak alertness.
Sleep is important in your learning and memory.
Quality sleep is essential for memory consolidation—the process by which the brain solidifies and stores new information. Studying before getting a good night’s sleep can improve retention and understanding of the material. However, it’s important to have that “wind down” time after study where you listen to some music and have rehydrate before you go to bed. Try to avoid excessive “screen time” during this wind down period as this may impact on your sleep.
Research indicates that studying close to bedtime or during late hours might not be as effective, as it can interfere with the quality of your sleep. Your brain needs rest to process information effectively.
So why not take the quiz today to work out the best time to study so that when you study it will be most beneficial.
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